Language Technology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

View GiellaLT on GitHub divvungiellatekno/

Page Content


Til stades: Børre, Maja, Sjur, Tomi

Borte: Inga


saker sidan sist

*Thomas - speller testing - compounding

*Inga - Kontrakter

status for speller

multipart/long cmps Ássanrievttijođiheaddjái 819
not accepted filbmačeahppi gets sugg *filbma-čeahppi 1544
alph+clitic  *sbat 1544
alph+noun/adj not rec a-muorra, d-beakkálmasat 785,818,1544
Gen-name+noun  *Sirpmá-skuvla 1544
num cmp:s on 0- 051-nummarat 631

Konferansar i 2013


Denne veka

*Thomas - speller testing - compounding

neste møte

  1. januar kl 13.00