Language Technology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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Taggmøte 2. mars 2021

Tilstede: Sjur, Trond, Inga, Lene, Thomas

Samansetjingstaggar i GiellaLT:

Tre klassar:

Hvilke tagger skal vi bruke når det er førsteleddet er forkortet eller ikke-assimilert lån?

Eksempler med ny tagg +Cmp/Unass

balkong og kultur er produktive:

balkoaŋŋa+N+Sem/Dummytag:balkong%> R ; (Her mangler Cmp-tagg, bør det være +Cmp/Unass eller +Cmp/Sh ?)

Problemet er harmonisering

Vi må ha et system som gjør det mulig å gå fra språk til språk

Det er behov for å skille mellom sammensetninger (dvs. vi kan ikke gjøre dem valgfrie)

Mulig løsning

Det er mulig å legge til regel i tools/mt/apertium/tagger/modify.regex fra smj:

balkoaŋŋaårdnik    balkoaŋŋa+N+G3+Cmp/SgNom+Cmp#årdnik+v1+N+Sg+Nom    0,000000
balkoaŋŋaårdnik    balkoaŋŋa+N+G3+Cmp/SgNom+Cmp#årdnik+v1+N+Sg+Nom    0,000000

balkongårdnik    balkoaŋŋa+N+Cmp#årdnik+v1+N+Sg+Nom    0,000000
balkongårdnik    balkoaŋŋa+N+Cmp#årdnik+v1+N+Sg+Nom    0,000000

kultuvrraårdnik +Cmp/SgNom+Cmp/Long
kulturårdnik   +Cmp/SgNom

Oversikt fra smj root:

+CmpNP/All       !!≈ * **@CODE@** - ... in all positions, **default**, this tag does not have to be written
+CmpNP/First     !!≈ * **@CODE@** - ... only be first part in a compound or alone
+CmpNP/Pref      !!≈ * **@CODE@** - ... only **first** part in a compound, NEVER alone
+CmpNP/Last      !!≈ * **@CODE@** - ... only be last part in a compound or alone
+CmpNP/Suff      !!≈ * **@CODE@** - ... only **last** part in a compound, NEVER alone
+CmpNP/None      !!≈ * **@CODE@** - ... does not take part in compounds
+CmpNP/Only      !!≈ * **@CODE@** - ... only be part of a compound, i.e. can never

+CmpN/SgN      !!≈ * **@CODE@** Singular Nominative !! Unmarked = Default
+CmpN/SgG      !!≈ * **@CODE@** Singular Genitive
+CmpN/PlG      !!≈ * **@CODE@** Plural Genitive
+CmpN/PlN      !!≈ * **@CODE@** Plural Nominative, propers!
+CmpN/SgNomLeft  !!≈ * **@CODE@** Singular Nominative
+CmpN/SgGenLeft  !!≈ * **@CODE@** Singular Genitive
+CmpN/PlGenLeft  !!≈ * **@CODE@** Plural Genitive

 +Cmp          !!≈ * **@CODE@** - Dynamic compound. This tag should always be part

 +Cmp/Attr     !!≈ * **@CODE@** - Attributive
 +Cmp/SgNom    !!≈ * **@CODE@** - Singular Nominative
 +Cmp/SgGen    !!≈ * **@CODE@** - Singular Genitive
 +Cmp/PlGen    !!≈ * **@CODE@** - Plural Genitiv
 +Cmp/SplitR   !!≈ * **@CODE@** - This is a split compound with the other part to
##                  => Arbeids- = +Cmp/SplitR
 +Cmp/SplitL   !!≈ * **@CODE@** - This is a split compound with the other part to the left
 +Cmp/Sh       !!≈ * **@CODE@** - testing +Cmp/Sh
 +Cmp/Hyph     !!≈ * **@CODE@** - on dynamic compounds that have a hyphen
 +Cmp/NoHyph   !!≈ * **@CODE@** - On compounds that COULD have had a hyphen (and usually have), but doesn't
 +Cmp/SoftHyph !!≈ * **@CODE@** - Tags compounds containing SOFT HYPHENS (U+00AD)
 +Cmp/Cit      !!≈ * **@CODE@** - Tags citation compounds, which can in principle