Language Technology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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Public procurement

Agenda for the meeting:

Overview of the public procurement process

Public tender procedures


Technical description

Selection criteria

Qualification criteria

How the bidder should document the qualification criteria:

Typical errors made in public tender processes

Errors can be complained about to KOFA (Norway: Klagenemnda for offentlege anskaffingar) by non-winning bidders.

Subjective evalutations based on the field in question is not a concern for KOFA.


The main service + the option of maintenance work for 5 year. The total of this will most likely go above the limit value, thus we have only two options: open and limited competition.


Open competition.

Qualification criteria

Economical stability

What documentation is needed?

Technical qualifications

Documentation for the above:

Selection criteria

Technical compatibility

Future long-term cooperation

We’re asking for alternating offers:

Reformulate it as a price criterion? = Maintenance costs. Open versus closed is principally weighted equally, but the total costs will guide our decision. The open option means more local competence, which is good, and therefore preferred.

Added new point covering total costs in a longer perspective.

Kvalitet, funksjonalitet og brukarvenlegheit

This is a summary of points 3 and 4 (new points 4 and 5). Documentation:

The companies should write a rather precise description of

Dyslectic correction should be moved to a product specification document.

Long term stability

Relationship (licensing, API documentation) to MS is supposed to be in order, and should be documented by the companies (one is not supposed to have the required documents without MS’ cooperation, cf “Norsk språk” and Kunnskapsforlaget). It is removed from the selection criterias.

In the end we removed the whole point regarding long-term stability. It is (and should be) covered elsewhere.


Final delivery May 31. 2007. “Dagbot” (0,15 %) if not delivered within deadline (cf standardavtale frå Statskonsult).


Postponed till later and thus removed from the document, it isn’t a requirement that it is part of the announcement of the tender.

Form of the offers

Prismodell, prisutfyllingsskjema


Modularisert fastpris.

The modules are:


Vedlikehald for alle modulane

Vedlikehaldet er modularisert tilsvarande som for modulane sjølve.


10. februar


20. februar

Konkurransegrunnlaget ferdig

Praktisk informasjon: fristar, tilbodsmottakar, kontaktoppl. for meir info, …


Ole Henrik: - koordinerer hovuddokumentet - samlar det som er skrive til no, samt det vi har kome fram til i dag - rammeverk ferdig om omkring ei veke *Sjur: - skriv ferdig kravspekken - NB: for å unngå tvil om eventuelle habilitetsproblem, *skal Børre og Tomi alltid lesa gjennom “inhabil” dokumentasjon

13. april

Frist for tilbod


Vedtak, klagefrist, kontrakt