Meeting setup
- Date: 13.1.2005
- Time: 15.00 Norw. time
- Participants: BG, MP, SNM, TO, TP, TT
- Opening, discussing and accepting the topics
- UTF-8 conversion
- Documentation system
- Lexicon, linguistics
- Rescheduled project meetings
- suggestion: every Monday 10 AM Norw. time
- New organisation
- reality from May 1st
- “Personalseminar” (whole of Samediggi):
- 28.2., 12.00 - 2.3., 12.00
- the whole project group should be there
Starting 15.03
1 - Opening, discussing and accepting the topics
Accepted as is.
2 - UTF-8 conversion
- cochise is ready
- writing instr. now on how to convert to newsgroup
- the conversion scripts for in* and output to our web analyser
was modified on the UTF-8 branch (earlier digraphs was in the
source and UTF-8 input had to be converted, now it is the other
way around)
- we are ready to start using UTF-8 (i.e. merge the UTF-8 branch
with the HEAD)
- vislcg works fine
- conversion to UTF-8 in HEAD is done Friday 14.1.2005, barring
that it is OK for Marit. Check-in deadline is thursday 17.00.
3 - Documentation system
- using Forrest (a project documentation system)
- converting the HTML files to XML (Forrest 1.3 DTD)
- reorganising the old doc files into a set of folders,
to reduce the crowdedness; hopefully the folders define
clear categories
- trying to set up the menus and tabs for the site
- Monday 24.1. documentation up and running
4 - Lexicon, linguistics
- Maaren is working all Mondays and Tuesdays on this project
- adding words
- straightened up the adjectival lexicon
- next week: adverbs
- have identified other linguistic problems:
- what is a correct Sámi form or generalisation?
- fixing two-level rules (diphtong simplification, others),
and check against data
- Maaren and Thomas will make linguistic generalisation; these
generalisations will be turned into rules (Maaren, Thomas,
- getting constant and helpful feedback from Marit
5 - Rescheduled project meetings
- suggestion: every Monday 10 AM Norw. time
- OK/better for all
DECISION: accepted.
6 - New organisation
7 - “Personalseminar” (whole of Samediggi):
- 28.2., 12.00 - 2.3., 12.00
- the whole project group should be there
- in Alta
8 - Additional topics:
- Trond: Skuvlalinux
- Pekka has said that the lexicon files can be open-sourced as
far as he is concerned.
- we should be involved with the discussion on the Skuvlalinux list
- Sjur: Pargas seminar
- Proofing tools seminar
- Pargas, Finland, 21-22 of April
- Sjur to forward the e-mail
- Tomi: Sámi place names in Finland
- the contact person did not want to give a copy
- Ilmari Mattus is collecting Inari Sámi place names
- UTF-8 conversion will be done this Friday
- Document. system ready 24.1
- Project meetings now on Monday, next meeting 24.1
- All project members to participate in Alta seminar
Ending 16.10