Language Technology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

View GiellaLT on GitHub divvungiellatekno/

Page Content

Meeting setup


  1. Opening, agenda review
  2. Reviewing the task list from a week ago (see below)
  3. Documentation:
    1. are we ready to remove the old HTML docs?
    2. is the Wiki format for meeting memos ok? That is, can it be used during the meeting?
  4. Corpus gathering
  5. Corpus infrastructure
  6. Linguistics
  7. Language technology:
    1. compilation problems on cochise
  8. Term db
  9. Other issues:
    1. Pargas seminar: who is going?
  10. Summary, task lists
  11. Closing

Last week’s task list:

1. Opening, agenda review

Opened 9.32, agenda accepted.

2. Reviewing the task list from a week ago (see below)

3. Documentation:

4. Corpus gathering

The letter is sent.

Thomas: Mikael Svonni has promised to give us his lexicon/dictionary. Asbjörg Skåden

Thomas and Trond have discussed a letter to the Swedish ministry of agriculture, regarding what format we preferred to receive text in. See next agenda topic.

5. Corpus infrastructure

Good discussions both offline and online. So far we have suggestions for:

6. Linguistics

Paradigms are looking better and better, more like what they should be. Adjectives improving.

String categories still to cover:

7. Language technology

Compilation problems on cochise:

8. Term db

Technical deadline: Friday this week. iTet is still «dead» (the contact person is not responding).

9. Other issues:

Pargas seminar:

10. Summary, task lists

11. Closing

Closed at 10.57