Language Technology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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Page Content

Meeting setup


  1. Opening, agenda review, participants
  2. Reviewing the task list from a week ago
  3. Documentation -
  4. Corpus gathering
  5. Corpus infrastructure
  6. Linguistics
  7. Term db
  8. Other issues
  9. Summary, task lists
  10. Closing

Task list since last meeting:

1. Opening, agenda review, participants

Opened at 14.08. Agenda accepted as is.

Present: Maaren, Sjur, Thomas, Tomi, Trond, Børre

2. Reviewing the task list from the last meeting

3. Documentation -

Børre is going to contact the main sysadm and discuss the technical details. Deadline: we return to it on the next meeting.

4. Corpus gathering

«Jeg hadde akkurat en telefonsamtale med Svein Nordsletta (tlf 78469709), rådgiver i Min Aigi, som var interessert i status for korrekturprogramarbeidet. Du bør snarest ta kontakt med han for orientering og bistand til tekster, feilkorpus m.m. Han var meget interessert!»

Would be interesting to get the articles before they are proof-read. And after that, the finished articles in InDesign(?) format, with hyphenation.

We need a contract. Trond contacts the people at the University in Oslo, so we have a template. We probably have to modify it for our use cases.

We have got some texts from Marit Einejord at Romssa sáirál (hospital) and Várdobáiki in Skánit.

Olavi Korhonen has offered us mainly Lule Sámi text, the NT, and he will also look for other texts. His Northern Sámi texts are more scattered, but he will look at that issue also.

Routines for corpus gathering: We need a dropbox where raw incoming text can be stored before it is processed. We’ll return to this issue in the newsgroup.

Sámi placenames in Finland will become available as well.

5. Corpus infrastructure

6. Linguistics

Maaren will start working 2 d/w, Thomas has been working with the transitivity of the verbs, continuing Lena’s work.

Lule Sámi: Anders has promised us the dictionary. The exact status of it is not known. Olavi Korhonen also works on a Lule Sámi dictionary, to be finished in the autumn.

More serious linguistic work on Lule Sámi to be started at the beginning of the summer.

7. Term db

The beta version will be done within a week :-)

8. Other issues


9. Summary, task lists


10. Next meeting, closing

Next meeting: 18.04.2005 10.00

Closed at 15.34