Meeting setup
- Date: 27.8.2007
- Time: 09.30 Norw. time
- Place: Internet
- Tools: SubEthaEdit, iChat/Skype
- Opening, agenda review
- Reviewing the task list from last week
- Documentation -
- Corpus gathering
- Corpus infrastructure
- Infrastructure
- Linguistics
- name lexicon infrastructure
- Spellers
- Other issues
- Summary, task lists
- Closing
1. Opening, agenda review, participants
Opened at 09:39.
Present: Børre, Ilona, Sjur, Thomas, Tomi, Trond
Absent: Maaren, Per-Eric
Agenda accepted as is.
2. Updated task status since last meeting
- run all known spelling errors in the prooftest corpus through the speller
- add extraction of all known spelling errors in the regular corpus (not the
corpus), and check that they are properly corrected
- move Steinar’s error markup in the xml files to (a copy of) the original
- fix bugs!
- other
- sent contracts to Berit Johnskareng regarding her Davvi Girji books
- fixed contracts with Lene Antonsen regarding her book “Jámešgušbákti
ja Jiehtanas”
- contacted Johan Jernsletten about the Ginna, Gálka, Borta, Snorra books.
Will have to contact Sverre Hatle and Karen Anne Oskal Eira, too.
- Began modifying jazzy-0.52 to include support
for sfst transducers. Jazzy is a java implementation of the aspell speller
correction algorithm.
- lexicalise missing words
- add
names from FIN
- lexicalise actio compounds
- expand the smj typos list
- add missing smj words
- lexicalise words from the Olavi missing list
- add compounding tags to adjectives
- add new XSL/XML headers for proofing test docs
- fix bugs!
- improve speller test bench:
- run all known spelling errors in the corpus through the speller
- document the AppleScript testing tool
- integrate regression self tests with the make file
- done, very helpful, it has identified a major hole in the PLX conversion
- integrate the ccat speller testing options in the make file
- publish corpus contracts and project infra as open-source on NoDaLi-sta
- fix stuorra-oslolaš lower case
in smj
- compiled new speller - use it as the basis for further testing
- restart work on the XML name editor/ integration
- plan the rest of the project period
- resend
speller-correct document to Kåre Tjikkom
- fix bugs!
- worked on them, added more reports, and comments on existig ones
- other things:
- recompiled spellers
- tested the typos lists on the new spellers
- work with compounding
- fix stuorra-oslolaš lower case
in smj
- fix bugs!
- make PLX conversion test sample; add conversion testing to the make file
- add Hunspell data generation/conversion
- fix bugs!
- Work on the web corpus issues
- update the
proper noun lexicon, and refine the morphological
analysis, cf. the propernoun-smj-lex.txt
- fix stuorra-oslolaš lower case
- add
texts to the corpus repository
in smj
- fix bugs!.
3. Documentation
Nothing new.
4. Corpus gathering
Børre has contacted several people, see task status above.
- add
texts to the corpus repository (Trond)
5. Corpus infrastructure
Saara has removed the *.html lists from the xdoc folder, and our
multilingual analyser interface is generated via xml.
6. Infrastructure
We are ordering a new server for faster processing. - Order not yet placed, we
are waiting for the final, updated and corrected offer. It should arrive today.
7. Linguistics
North Sámi
Remaining twol issues: see
bug #460.
The error at present is connected to forms olmmoš– and háliit,
as before.
Ilona is working on the list of sme
names from Finland. The list
includes lots of enare sámi names. Børre has sent her a new list that
contains all northern sami placenames. Ilona has started with that list
instead of the Finland name list. The new list should include all the sme
names, also the names that are in the first list.
There is an empty file, gt/smn/src/propernoun-smn-lex.txt
, in cvs. Inari
names go there, and may then eventually be exported to other lgs.
- lexicalise actio compounds. Example: vuolggasadji vs. vuolginsadji
- fix stuorra-oslolaš lower case
(Sjur, Thomas, Trond)
- fix twol bug (Sjur, Thomas, Trond)
- meet online this week - Thursday around 12 AM Norwegian time
- add the
place names from Finland (Ilona)
Lule Sámi
The æ-ä
issue: see [bug 411
- refine
proper noun lexica, cf. the propernoun-smj-lex.txt
(Thomas, Trond)
in speller (Tomi, Sjur)
- Works in transducer, not in speller, see bug report (#411)
- lexicalise words from the Olavi missing list, but check against the pdf
original where in doubt (Per-Eric)
- add compounding tags to (some weeks of work):
- nouns (Thomas)
- adjs (Per-Eric)
- resend
speller-correct document to Kåre Tjikkom (Sjur)
8. Name lexicon infrastructure
This sub-project needs to get up and running soon. Mainly Sjur’s task.
Decisions made in Tromsø can be found in [this meeting
- fix bugs in lexc2xml; add comments to the log element (Saara)
- finish first version of the editing (Sjur)
- test editing of the xml files. If ok, then: (Sjur, Thomas, Trond)
- make terms-smX.xml <=== automatically from propernoun-sme-lex.xml (add nob as
well) (the morphological section should be kept intact, in e.g.
propernoun-sme-morph.txt) (Sjur, Saara)
- convert propernoun-($lang)-lex.txt to a derived file from common xml files
(Sjur, Tomi, Saara)
- implement data synchronisation between and
the cvs repo, and possibly other servers (ie the G5 as an alternative server
to the public - it might be faster and better suited than the
official one; also local installations could be treated the same way)
- start to use the xml file as source file
- clean terms-sme.xml such that all names have the correct tag for their use
(e.g. @type=secondary) (Thomas, Maaren, linguists)
- merge placenames which are errouneously in different entries: e.g. Helsinki,
Helsingfors, Helsset (linguists)
- publish the name lexicon on (Sjur)
- add missing parallel names for placenames (linguists)
- add informative links between first names like Niillas and Nils
9. Spellers
OOo spellers
Tomi is working on the lexicon conversion to the Hunspell format. It is
moving forward.
plx source -> transducer -> wordlist in plxformat -> speller binary
src/* *-plx.fst > 60 GB 2 MB
hun source -> transducer -> java/perl-server program -> huncode
src/* *-hunspell.fst
My question:
The set of noun-verb-adj continuation lexica is taken from a wordlist,
generated by xfst.
- generate full paradigm per word with xfst (as for polderland today)
- extract stems automatically <= from the generated paradigm (60 GB)
and not from the *-lex.txt files.
- turn the result into hunspell stem / cont
The hunspell generation process thus mirrors the plx generation process. Yes,
but with a different-format output (and a much smaller file - Mb instead of Gb).
That’s fine. The important point is that it has the same input, so that Tomi
does not need to rewrite 8000 lines of smX-lex.txt + twol code. Of course:)
We have, in parallel, been looking at sfst. The results are good, sfst seems
a good compiler for fst-s. How it behaves when scaled up to real size we do
not know. A major point regarding spell checkers will be speed - how fast is the
sfst engine?
The sfst version of smX will be put on hold to after newyear.
- add Hunspell data conversion (Tomi)
Spelling Error Markup
- Set up ways of adding meta-information (source info, used in testing or not,
added to lexicon or not) (Saara)
- move Steinar’s error markup in the xml files to (a copy of) the original
Automated testing
We need a separate speller pre-processor, to turn ccat output into suitable
speller input. This we will need to be able to run whole documents through
the speller, to test lexical coverage as well as p/r etc.
- document the AppleScript testing tool (Sjur)
- improve speller test bench (Sjur)
- create a speller preprocessor (Børre or Sjur)
- integrate the
speller testing options in the Makefile (Sjur)
- add extraction of all known spelling errors in the corpus (not the
corpus), and check that they are properly corrected
- put on hold until we have such markup in the regular corpus
- add regression self-test:
- integrate these in the make file (Sjur)
We have found a bug in
the conversion. We also have the [double-hyphen
issue|], which needs to be
fixed in the LexC code (the R lexicon and surrounding matters).
We need a compounding form without a hyphen in speller. In xfst processing
(adding PLX-tags) you can add hyphens but we don’t know how to remove a hyphen.
But is this a lexc problem? Probably not, see below (sme.fst, sme-norm.fst, all give the same result):
-bash-3.00$ lookup -flags mbTT -utf8 sme/bin/
biila- biila+N+SgNomCmp+Cmpnd
biila-- biila-- +?
-bash-3.00$ lookup -flags mbTT -utf8 sme/bin/spellernonrec-sme.fst
bii^la biila+N+Sg+Nom
bii^la- biila+N+SgNomCmp+Cmpnd
bii^la-- bii^la-- +?
- fix bug 484 (Tomi)
- fix bug 458 (Trond, Sjur)
New public beta
Delayed till the majority of the present bugs are fixed. The twolc bug
is the major stopper.
10. Other
Corpus contracts
- publish corpus contracts and project infra as open-source on NoDaLi-sta
Bug fixing
When fixing bugs, record the version number containing the fix in the Bugzilla
bug report, such that for each bug, we know exactly when it should have been
fixed, in what file(s) and what version.
57 open Divvun/Disamb bugs (29 of these 56 are speller-related bugs,
28 are general bugs), and 23 bugs
Project meeting
We’ll meet in September, 24-28, in Tromsø to work on the hardest remaining
11. Next meeting, closing
The next meeting is 3.9.2007, 09:30 Norwegian time.
The meeting was closed at 10:54.
Appendix - task lists for the next week
- run all known spelling errors in the prooftest corpus through the speller
- add extraction of all known spelling errors in the regular corpus (not the
corpus), and check that they are properly corrected
- move Steinar’s error markup in the xml files to (a copy of) the original
- create a speller preprocessor
- fix bugs!
- lexicalise missing words
- add
names from FIN
- make
- lexicalise actio compounds
- expand the smj typos list
- add missing smj words
- lexicalise words from the Olavi missing list
- add compounding tags to adjectives
- add new XSL/XML headers for proofing test docs
- fix bugs!
- improve speller test bench:
- document the AppleScript testing tool
- create a speller preprocessor
- integrate the ccat speller testing options in the make file
- publish corpus contracts and project infra as open-source on NoDaLi-sta
- fix stuorra-oslolaš lower case
in smj
- work on the XML name editor/ integration
- plan the rest of the project period
- fix
twol bug (#460), meeting Thursday at 12 AM
- fix bug 458
- fix bugs!
- work with compounding
- fix stuorra-oslolaš lower case
in smj
- fix
twol bug (#460), meeting Thursday at 12 AM
- fix bugs!
- make PLX conversion test sample; add conversion testing to the make file
- add Hunspell data generation/conversion
- fix bug 484
- fix bugs!
- update the
proper noun lexicon, and refine the morphological
analysis, cf. the propernoun-smj-lex.txt
- fix stuorra-oslolaš lower case
- add
texts to the corpus repository
in smj
- fix
twol bug (#460), meeting Thursday at 12 AM
- fix bug 458
- fix bugs!.