Meeting setup
- Date: 7.9.2009
- Time: 09.30 Norw. time
- Place: Internet
- Tools: SubEthaEdit, iChat
Cf. one of the following, depending on context:
- the upper bar of the SEE window (provided you use the JSPWiki syntax mode)
- the TOC in Forrest-rendered output, like HTML and PDF
Opening, agenda review, participants
Opened at 10:15.
Børre, Ciprian, Maja, Sjur, Thomas, Tomi, Trond
Absent: none
Agenda accepted as is.
Updated task status since last meeting
- update online download log statistics page
- improve XSL script to transform leaflet Forrest XDocs to an OOo Draw document
- Set up the apache server for the beta on the linux box + Xserve.
- get translations of thank-you letter
- fix bugs!
- other:
- worked on static i18n
- finished a letter incl. contracts to Nitteberg in WebSak …
- made files in available through the apache server, in
stead of via the forrest server. Downloaded files were sometimes truncated by
forrest. This hopefully fixes the reports about installers that don’t work.
- MT: test Autshumato Alpha version on Windows
- done but without Launcher… not working (to be redone)
- transform the Sami Law Terms DB (SLT-DB) into an eXist-usable format
- make eXist running with the SLT-DB
- make a schema/dtd description of the lexC-file (experiment with
- transform sme-lexC files into XML format
- Bodø Oahpa:
- generalize for language pairs
- ongoing work, almost done
- generalize for semantic classes and pos
- implement a login mechanism
- implement an upload data mechanism
- todo
- setup the Bodø version on victorio
- Sandbox Oahpa:
- setup the Sandbox version on victorio
- Running Oahpa:
- Check for IP numbers in the Oahpa! log
- todo
- add an Oahpa clock excercise
- todo
- Generate fin/xml/{nouns|verbs|adjectives}.xml, and implement the new Leksa
dropdown menu
- todo
- Komi
- take out the doublets to a separate file
- aparently not necessarily any longer: Jaska restructured the XML file
- start looking at the komfin and komeng MacDicts
- restructure and clean the script catalogue, using subdirs
- check the processing of new corpus documents (error logging during conversion,
conversion quality, documentation, etc.)
- continue the search and testing of an appropriate tool for
lexicon working (no xml-file editing via text editors!)
- start the work at the komfineng dict
- done: starting to convert the source format into GT-dictionary format
- incorporate the passives into the last version of the sme:nob
- continue the work at the Kildin-Russian dictionary
- check all bug in the sma:nob-swe dictionary
- extend the smanobswe dictionary
- fix the bug with the string length in the popup window (sma:nob)
- try to reduce the dict-size on mac: experiment with xPointer, etc.
- fix bugs!
- Prepare text´s about normativity issue to SGL/SGM
- done, I will give it high prio.
- more work on
- Send Lena Kappfjell and Harald Gaski a contract
- We have recieved the contracts from Åsta Vangberg, but we have to send them
back to her because she hasn´t written her name in all contracts
- Send formal letter to Gerd Pärsson about the book Eahperestujmie, Gosse
dah jeatjebh åerieminie;
- waiting for the letter from the author, David said he will forward it to us,
then send it to Gerd Pärsson
- Tom Kappfjell
- Received the contract from Tom Kappfjell
- Maja Dunfjeld
- Åsta Vangberg
- take a phonecall to her and ask her about electronic files
- digitize southsámi books
- Digitized some, has to digitize the rest of the books
- work with missing lists- southsámi
- @Barents: plan a meeting/seminar with potential cooperation partners
- @Barents: plan for The Real Thing
- @TTS: start public tender process
- make Leif Åge send out CD’s to distribution points
- start Nordplus Sprog project
- send eXist log files to Ciprian
- finalise formal letter to Laila Mattsson-Magga with Maja
- Write a formal letter to Davvi girji about electronic dictionaries
- package and deliver
proofing tools (with Tomi)
- make XSL script to transform leaflet Forrest XDocs to an OOo Drawer document
- continue to write a proofing API & implementation specification
- name db/
- follow-up on some Polderland-related bugs: 621, 630, 652
- support and maintenance contract for
and smj
, MS+Adobe tools
- Sámi languages as part of Norsk språkbank
- set up on eXist/XServe (as a beta version site)
- set up required infra for smenob on
umlaut / derivation work
- fix bugs!
- other things:
- TTS started
- administration & bureaucrazy
- preparations for and meeting with language technology coordinators in the
Nordic language councils (the working group ASTIN)
- prepare text´s about normativity issue to SGL/SGM
- finish reformulating the proper noun grammar like the verbs
- fix bugs!
- add missing Finnish translations in sme/xml/nouns.xml
- fix screen sharing problem on Maja’s computer
- how is this issue now, Maja, Ciprian?
- package and deliver
proofing tools (with Sjur)
- document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion
- fix double hyphen bugs
- don’t know if this is still an issue
- fix PL hyphenator bugs
- don’t know if this is still an issue
- fix PL and Hunspell conversion bugs
- infrastructure remake
umlaut / derivation work
- fix bugs!
- other
- started compiling new spellers
- add missing Finnish translations in sme/xml/nouns.xml
- Done much. Open issues now down to 39. Tomi?
- @Barents: plan a meeting/seminar with potential cooperation partners
- @Barents: plan for The Real Thing
- @TTS: kick-off lunch at wednesday
- make Lene et al run the script
- Awaiting Lenes new machine
- Mikogo for Lene and Linda
- Awaiting Lenes new machine
- tts startup (with Sjur)
- Komi
- merge the doublets
- Done some work here. Now, Jaska has added a further layer on top
of each article, and the fst no longer compiles (script/xml2lexc must
be rewritten, or the wrapping changed).
- Completing the automaton to some state
- Not worked on it last week.
proper noun grammar (with the rest of the sma gang)
- fix bugs!.
Meeting memos can be found at
Ciprian working on Oahpa! for Bodø. With respect to Lexa, the MySQL structures
and scripts are now multilingual-ready, and the database can be populated with
data for several language pairs at once. The application is next in the
multilingual treatment.
Trond and Lene are submitting an application to [Norgesuniversitetet
for developing the programs further, and integrate them better with ongoing
university/college courses.
- Register (Trond)
- Check for IP numbers in the log (Ciprian, Trond)
- Add the 37 missing Finnish translations in sme/xml/nouns.xml (Trond, Tomi)
- Generate fin/xml/{nouns|verbs|adjectives}.xml, and implement the new Leksa
dropdown menu (Ciprian).
Corpus gathering
About OCR-scanned texts, a rewised procedure to secure more (and different)
speller testing material:
- scan and OCR the text
- add the OCR original to the corpus repository, with a filename addition like
, all of it in the prooftest catalog
- proofread the OCR text to get it back to the spelling in the printed original
- store this OCR-corrected text in the corpus repository, as follows:
- 10-20 % in
(to be used as testing material for spellers etc)
- the rest in
(to be used for generating missing lists and linguistic
- add spelling error markup to the texts in
- Which books are digitized?
- These books should be OCR’ed/digitized: Anna Jacobsens books
Don jih dan bïjre I-III, Jupmele rïjhke lea gietskesne,
Luste lohkedh, Duedtie Novrlaantesne, Naestie-tjoevkesne,
- Its not digitized yet, should do it this week.
A. Jacobsen: Goltelidh jih soptestidh and Mojhtesh are already
in electronic form
- use the corpus gathering document to keep track of each book
- continue gathering
corpus texts (Maja)
- get
articles in Š-bláđđi
- the Gun Utsi book is almost there - one contract missing (Jovsset)
- will meet with the translator in July, and get the signature then
- check with Jovsset whether he succeeded (Maja)
- read formal letter to Laila Mattsson-Magga by David (Sjur)
- write formal letter to Davvi Girji (Sjur)
- send a copy of the signed contracts back to the authors, translators and
publishers, accompanied by the thank-you letter
Question about the download log. Do we have it? yes, but the public listing
isn’t up-to-date. Børre will update it.
- make leaflet to inform about the project (Børre)
- add InDesign text (Sjur)
- make XSL script to transform Forrest XDocs to an OOo Drawer document
(Børre, Sjur)
- distribute CD version through the library bus, the language centres and common
sami centres in all of Sápmi. Gaaltije in Östersund for example.
(Leif Åge, Sjur)
- make him send out CD’s accordingly (Sjur)
- update online download log statistics page (Børre)
Future plans, directions and ideas
See a separate document in plan/strat/5year.jspwiki
Northern areas project
- Attend a beginners’ course in Russian (priority: the alphabet!) near you..
- plan a meeting/seminar with potential cooperation partners (Trond, Sjur)
- plan for The Real Thing (Trond, Sjur)
Børre has been working on a static version of the site, instead
of running Forrest live.
To accomodate future enhancements in different directions (in rough order of
- test bench for all parts of our language technology efforts
- test bench enhanced, but not yet complet
- set up the Leopard Server features for collaborative support:
- permanent chat rooms
- stored (and indexed) chat transcripts of the chat rooms
- iCal server / group calendars
- wiki
- wiki? on G5 (is part of Leopard Server) or other web-based documentation
- improve Forrest stability and i18n support ( the divvun crashes)
- Sjur has been working on better i18n and pdf rendering
- Børre has some ideas for getting back to serving static html files
- reorganise the documentation:
- differ between target groups
- get better grouping
- decide what to write in forrest and what in wiki
(cf. Apertium and
[]) for a similar split)
- update/add missing parts
- migrate lexc lexicons to XML, splitting the task
- Name lexica (the Name project)
- Dictionaries (already in XML, task is to integrate them)
- At least migrate the lexc open POSes (Komi as a pilot case)
- change the look of the documentation web
- use HFST as alternative to XFST
- corpus content moved to Max Planck repositories? Norsk språkbank?
- update infrastructure to allow content-restricted spellers for special target
- ask Lene, Linda to install Mikogo (Trond)
- fix screen sharing problem on Maja’s computer (Tomi)
- fix remaining issues in the script (Sjur)
- restructure and clean the script catalogue, using subdirs to categorise the
scripts (Ciprian)
- see posting in the news group
- infrastructure remake: (Børre, Ciprian, Saara, Sjur, Tomi, Trond)
- more modularised make / build infra (prepare for smn, sms, sjd, others)
- merge gt, kt and st into one
- modularised preprocess and spellrelax
- alternatives to make:
- make a test-all target that runs all tests we have (Ciprian, Sjur, Trond)
- delayed until we have restructured the make/build process
- define and document testing routines (Ciprian, Sjur, Trond)
- delayed until we have restructured the make/build process
- test iCal Server (on G5) (Børre)
- remove TOC from the giellatekno home page by using dispatcher (Trond)
- building gtuit with dispatcher doesn’t work
North Sámi
(nothing new, see proofing bugs below)
Lule Sámi
(nothing new, see proofing bugs below)
South Sámi
Adj->verb derivations is the next topic.
Verb -> adj -derivations (some) already written in, tentatively.
This topic probably needs more consideration than A -> V.
Maja had a meeting with Ove Lorentz about loan words in sma, and their
proper orthography. It is a complex issue.
- reformulate the proper noun grammar according to the Trondheim discussions
(Maja, Sjur, Thomas, Trond)
- Prepare text´s about normativity issue to SGL/SGM (Maja, Thomas)
- placenames (Maja)
- other issues
- finish the umlaut / derivation work (Thomas, Sjur, Tomi)
- adjectives (Maja with Thomas, Trond, Sjur)
- two competing naming conventions of continuation lexicons
- One follows the sme convention of naming key adjectives
- There are duplicate lexica
- The comparative issue open here and there
Name lexicon/ infrastructure
Tomi has played with couchdb as a replacement
for eXist in and general dictionary-related work. Seems much lighter
and easier to work with.
Instead of building our own webforms and back-end update scripts, use XForms
with a premade connection to our xml db. Orbeon XForms is such a tool (open
From the meeting with the terminology and IT teams last week:
- no major rework on the present search interface now
- no work on the editing section; instead:
- add existing lists of sanctioned terminology as separate term entities
- add a dictionary if we can make one with sufficient quality
This means the following tasks:
- find already approved lists, in paper or electronic form (term team)
- convert paper lists to electronic lists (term team)
- convert lists to standard XML (Sjur, Tomi)
- add prepared lists to (Sjur, Tomi)
- send eXist log files to Ciprian (Sjur)
- fix i18n bug in (so they will work without the proper locale
request) (Sjur)
- fix bugs in lexc2xml; add comments to the log element (Saara)
- finish first version of the editing (Sjur)
- test editing of the xml files. If ok, then: (Sjur, Thomas, Trond)
- make terms-smX.xml <=== automatically from propernoun-sme-lex.xml (add
as well) (the morphological section should be kept intact, in e.g.
propernoun-sme-morph.txt) (Sjur, Saara)
- convert propernoun-($lang)-lex.txt to a derived file from common xml files
(Sjur, Tomi, Saara)
- implement data synchronisation between and
the cvs repo, and possibly other servers (ie the G5 as an alternative server
to the public - it might be faster and better suited than the
official one; also local installations could be treated the same way)
- start to use the xml file as source file
- clean terms-sme.xml such that all names have the correct tag for their use
(e.g. @type=secondary) (Thomas, linguists)
- merge placenames which are errouneously in different entries: e.g. Helsinki,
Helsingfors, Helsset (linguists)
- publish the name lexicon on (Sjur)
- add missing parallel names for placenames (linguists)
- add informative links between first names like Niillas and Nils
Ciprian did some work on Komi, is continuing. The first test version next
- Set up the apache server for the beta on the linux box + Xserve.
- set up on eXist/XServe (as a beta version site) (Sjur)
- set up required infra for smenob on (Sjur)
- Continue the dictionary infrastructure discussion (Ciprian, Sjur, Trond)
- end user documentation (how to download and install) (Ciprian, Trond)
- Contact Davvi Girji about cooperation on electronic dictionaries
- developing the mobile phone version of smenob:
- Komi
- take out the doublets to a separate file (Ciprian)
- merge the doublets (Jaska, Trond)
- start looking at the komfin and komeng MacDicts (Ciprian)
- Completing the automaton to some state (Trond, Jaska, Paula)
- continue to write an API specification, and an implementation specification
Børre has released beta7, with working clitics, negation verb and copula.
Spelling Error Markup
- test new and nested error markup (Sjur)
- nesting still needs to be tested, depends on new
Speller testing
- test the error type selection feature in ccat (Sjur)
- package and deliver
proofing tools (Sjur, Tomi)
- add South Sámi DLL’s to the svn repository (Sjur)
Testing open-source Norwegian spellers
Sjur has invited the open-source group to test their spell-checker using our
test bench. The response has been positive, we’ll see what happens.
We should go to their developer meetings, and present our work and how to work
with language technology.
Speller bugs
List of bugs returned from Polderland:
Open issues based on test results:
Version: Davvisámi, version 1.1, 2008-12-17
- 399 - missing numerals (plural forms) - OPEN
- 425 - X not recognized; single letters were left out - still OPEN
- 435 - roman numbers - inflection of single letter numbers
rejected, as well as some complex numbers (but is ok in
) - still
- we should pregenerate all numbers once and for all, and store them in a
separate lexicon file
- 595 - prefix+name without hyphen (ovdaLot instead of ovda-Lot) - still
- 603 - suomabealdi accepted - still OPEN
- 606 - compound-tags LEXICON VUOHTA - still OPEN
- 613 - short gen. as second compound part - still OPEN
- 619 - numerals and pronouns to NAMÁK and SASJ fails - vihttasoarttat
remaining - still OPEN
- 629 - a taking part in compounding without hyphen - still OPEN
- only open case has word A-finálaid compounded
- 642 - noun/adj/proper + hyphen + ain - FIXED
- 647 - numerals+NOUN - still OPEN, open case has uppercase letters
- 648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun - still OPEN
- 709 - REGRESSION: sámedikkeválga accepted
- 728 - vowel shortening GenCmp+Left-tagged - still OPEN
- 779 - caseforms of pronoun okatahat - OPEN
- 785 - does not recognize alphabet-abbr+noun
Version: Julevsáme, version 1.1, 2008-12-17
- 435 - roman number - single letter numbers now recognised
- we should pregenerate all numbers once and for all, and store them in a
separate lexicon file
- please note that inflection of single letter numerals is fine in
, as opposed to sme
- 482 - REGRESSION: polardutkamin not recognized
- 556 - REGRESSION: non-existent word accepted
- 594 - lågenanguoktáj not recognized - OPEN
- 595 - prefix+name as split comp without hyphen - FIXED
- 596 - C-giellan is not accepted - still OPEN
- 600 - REGRESSION: Gen+hyph compound
- 627 - REGRESSION: prefix + hyhpen does not get accepted
- 647 - numerals+NOUN - still OPEN, open case has uppercase letters
- 648 - unmotivated suggestions with numeral+noun - still OPEN
- 650 - noun prefix+name compound without hyphen - FIXED
- 652 - UPPERCASE-typos only get acronym-suggestions - still OPEN
- 692 - numeral-variants - all but one fixed (gáktsalågenantjuotakta), but
still OPEN
- document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion (Tomi)
Hyphenator bugs
Open issues based on test results :
Lexicon version: Davvisámi, version 1.1, 2008-12-17
- 468 - Márkomeanu - still OPEN
- 547 - hyphen in front of vowel: Lotnolasealáhusas - still OPEN
- 548 - mid syllable hyphenation: Háliidivččen - still OPEN
- 549 - division without hyph: Váccedettiin - still OPEN
Lexicon version: Julevsáme, version 1.1, 2008-12-17
- 547 - hyphen in front of vowel: Jienastimnjuolgadusá and Orgánajs -
still OPEN
- 670 - Hard hyphen replaced with soft hyphen: 10-biejvvásattja (the word is
not rec.; Bug #711) - still OPEN
- fix PL hyphenator errors (Tomi)
Installer changes
- test InDesign installer (Sjur)
User documentation
- InDesign documentation (Sjur)
- Norwegian translation received from Davvi Girji
1.2 release
Tomi has started the process - great!
- several smj bug fixes
- lexicalisations
- InDesign Mac & Win
- new OOo beta
- improved installers, at least for Mac, preferably also for Windows
Autumn planning
- divvun/sma -> all
- speller test project -> Sjur, Børre, Thomas, X
- speech synthesis -> Sjur, Trond, BA as a starter
- dictionaries: smanob, komfineng -> Ciprian, Sjur, Trond
- -> Ciprian, Sjur
- Barents project followup meeting
- Arctic conference - September 24-26 (Formal linguistics meets the north)
- Forskingstorget - September 18-19
- Francis Tyers in town appr. 24.9-1.10 (Lule Saami MT workshop week 39)
- sme and smj tools, next version -> Thomas, Tomi, Sjur
- HFST-based proofing tools -> Sjur
- sma langauge experts meeting, incl. Pia Persson & SGM/SGL
Text to speech
- kick-off lunch at wednesday (Trond)
- refine syntax / dependency rules (Biret Ánne)
- start public tender process (Sjur)
MT and CAT
- make A-ITE compile and run on Windows (Ciprian)
Open source
The repository is properly closed/open now, and the availability of the source
code should be announced.
- announce the availability of our repository on relevant linguistic lists
Next meeting, closing
The next meeting is 14.9.2009, 9.30 Norwegian time.
The meeting was closed at 11:28.
Appendix - task lists for the next five days
- update online download log statistics page
- improve XSL script to transform leaflet Forrest XDocs to an OOo Draw document
- Set up the apache server for the beta on the linux box + Xserve.
- get translations of thank-you letter
- fix bugs!
- MT: test Autshumato Alpha version on Windows using Launcher
- transform the Sami Law Terms DB (SLT-DB) into an eXist-usable format
- make eXist running with the SLT-DB
- make a schema/dtd description of the lexC-file (experiment with
- transform sme-lexC files into XML format
- Bodø Oahpa:
- generalize for semantic classes and pos
- implement a login mechanism
- implement a upload data mechanism
- setup the Bodø version on victorio
- Sandbox Oahpa:
- setup the Sandbox version on victorio
- Running Oahpa:
- Check for IP numbers in the Oahpa! log
- add an Oahpa clock excercise
- Generate fin/xml/{nouns|verbs|adjectives}.xml, and implement the new Leksa
dropdown menu
- Komi
- transform the source format into GT-dict format and generate the first
- restructure and clean the script catalogue, using subdirs
- check the processing of new corpus documents (error logging during conversion,
conversion quality, documentation, etc.)
- continue the search and testing of an appropriate tool for
lexicon working (no xml-file editing via text editors!)
- incorporate the passives into the last version of the sme:nob
- continue the work at the Kildin-Russian dictionary
- check all bug in the sma:nob-swe dictionary
- extend the smanobswe dictionary
- fix the bug with the string length in the popup window (sma:nob)
- try to reduce the dict-size on mac: experiment with xPointer, etc.
- fix bugs!
- Prepare text´s about normativity issue to SGL/SGM
- more work on
- Send Lena Kappfjell and Harald Gaski a contract
- Send Josef an e:mail - question about book signature from this summer
- Send formal letter to Gerd Pärsson about the book Eahperestujmie
- digitize southsámi books
- work with missing lists- southsámi
- @Barents: plan a meeting/seminar with potential cooperation partners
- @Barents: plan for The Real Thing
- @TTS: start public tender process
- make Leif Åge send out CD’s to distribution points
- start Nordplus Sprog project
- send eXist log files to Ciprian
- finalise formal letter to Laila Mattsson-Magga with Maja
- Write a formal letter to Davvi girji about electronic dictionaries
- package and deliver
proofing tools (with Tomi)
- make XSL script to transform leaflet Forrest XDocs to an OOo Drawer document
- continue to write a proofing API & implementation specification
- name db/
- follow-up on some Polderland-related bugs: 621, 630, 652
- support and maintenance contract for
and smj
, MS+Adobe tools
- Sámi languages as part of Norsk språkbank
- set up on eXist/XServe (as a beta version site)
- set up required infra for smenob on
umlaut / derivation work
- fix bugs!
- prepare text´s about normativity issue to SGL/SGM
- Digitalize south saami books
- finish reformulating the proper noun grammar like the verbs
- fix bugs!
- add missing Finnish translations in sme/xml/nouns.xml
- fix screen sharing problem on Maja’s computer
- package and deliver
proofing tools (with Sjur)
- document how compounding is controlled in the PLX conversion
- fix double hyphen bugs
- fix PL hyphenator bugs
- fix PL and Hunspell conversion bugs
- infrastructure remake
umlaut / derivation work
- fix bugs!
- add missing Finnish translations in sme/xml/nouns.xml
- @Barents: plan a meeting/seminar with potential cooperation partners
- @Barents: plan for The Real Thing
- @TTS: kick-off lunch at wednesday
- make Lene et al run the script
- Mikogo for Lene and Linda
- Komi
- merge the doublets
- Completing the automaton to some state
proper noun grammar (with the rest of the sma gang)
- fix bugs!.