Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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FAD-møte 21.5.13

Til stades: Marja, Cip, Trond.


Status quo og framover

 56 Adv_nobsme.xml
  91 Pron_static_nobsme.xml
  46 prop_nobsme.xml
  37 phrase_nobsme.xml
  24 Pr_nobsme.xml
   5 Num_nobsme.xml
   5 A_static_nobsme.xml
   3 V_static_nobsme.xml
   3 CS_nobsme.xml
   2 Adv_static_nobsme.xml
   1 Num_static_nobsme.xml
   1 N_nobsme.xml
   1 Det_nobsme.xml
   1 CS_static_nobsme.xml
   1 CC_nobsme.xml

Deadlines og steg

  1. Manuell unifisering
    1. (Marja): Denne veka
    2. Stadnamn: Trond diskuterer med Lene (no deadline).
  2. BM, Marja, Trond neste steg: nobsme/src: lemmasjekk (no deadline)
  3. Manuell unifisering i nobsme/terms/admin/src_interim (liste nedanfor: no deadline)
src_interim>grep -h '<e' *.xml | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
11532   <e src="fad">
2539    <e src="fad" mg_c="2">
 785    <e src="fad" mg_c="3">
 275    <e src="fad" mg_c="4">
 116    <e src="fad" mg_c="5">
  44    <e src="fad" mg_c="6">
  29    <e src="fad" mg_c="7">
  13    <e src="fad" mg_c="8">
   8    <e src="fad" mg_c="9">
   4    <e src="fad" mg_c="10">
   1    <e src="fad" mg_c="15">
   1    <e src="fad" mg_c="13">
   1    <e src="fad" mg_c="11">

Neste møte

Onsdag 29. mai kl. 14.15 (really?).