Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

View GiellaLT on GitHub divvungiellatekno/

Cygwin setup

These notes are not complete at the moment, but contains a number of things observed when helping a Cygwin user.

Installing Cygwin

See the Cygwin home page, and follow the instructions there.

Installing other Windows software

See the Java home page, and follow the instructions there.

Most things are missing

The Cygwin environment is pretty bare-bones. This means that you need to install almost every tool and library using the Cygwin Setup.exe tool. Things you need to install:

To setup these tools, you use the Setup.exe tool that you used to install Cygwin. It will also install all dependencies required by each tool.

Setup.exe short usage guide


To install py-yaml, go to [], download the tar.gz package, and follow the instructions on that page.


Download the latest saxon9he.jar file from the Saxon home page, and store it in the directory lib/ in your Cygwin home directory (create the lib/ dir if it isn’t there already).

Xerox tools

Lexc and Twolc are working with some quirks, but the build environment is now updated to work around those quirks.

Xfst is NOT working ATM, but the issues will be reported and hopefully fixed. The best alternative is to use HFST instead of Xerox (see below).


The latest HFST source code compiles on Cygwin after one local modification:

When done, follow these instructions:

./configure --with-foma --enable-lexc --enable-windows
make install

Now you should have a working HFST installation!

HFST bugs

As of version 3.4.2, all Hfst tools are working, except hfst-xfst. This is a pretty serious limitation, and makes Hfst just as useful as the Xerox tools. But the bug has been reported, and will hopefully be fixed soon.

Configuring your languages

Assuming that the Xerox tools remain useless and that Hfst is soon fixed, you need to configure your languages to use Hfst and not Xerox. You do this as follows:

./configure --without-xfst --with-hfst

The reason is that the Xerox tools remain default for the time being, and hfst is only made available if explicitly asked for.