Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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Troubleshooting gtweb-02

All services on gtweb-02 are managed by our service script. See <> (in Norwegian) for more information.

It is set up so that all services starts automatically on reboot, so a simple thing to do first, is to ssh into the server, and run sudo systemctl reboot.

Basic check

Start by ssh-ing to the server, change to the services user, and run the status command:

sudo su - services
tjeneste status

It takes a few seconds to run. You should see a list of all the services, and what systemd reports as the status.

Restarting a service

Restarting services is done with the restart command. Any single page or service, may consist of several containers. For example, the metadict (meta dictionary) service, contains of 3 services: metadict-db, metadict-api, metadict-front. To see a list of all services, run tjeneste --help.

So, to restart the metadictionary, issue these three commands:

tjeneste mddb restart
tjeneste mdapi restart
tjeneste mdfront restart

(Here the short version of the service names are used.)

If that doesn’t work

You can see the command that any individual service runs through systemd by issuing the print-start-cmd:

tjeneste mdapi print-start-cmd

A long podman command will be printed. As of writing, the exact command for mdapi is

/usr/bin/podman run --name metadict-api --rm --replace -p 3516:3000 --env PG__HOST=gtweb-02 --env FRONTEND= --stop-signal=SIGINT --privileged --security-opt seccomp=unconfined

Add -it to the start of this command, after the /usr/bin/podman run, like so: /usr/bin/podman run -it [....], and run this command, to see what happens.

There are so many things that can cause a failure, that to cover them all is out of scope in this document.