The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages
View GiellaLT on GitHub divvungiellatekno/
The required steps for setting up the computer and installing the auxiliary programs needed are described in our Getting Started guide.
When you have installed and checked out qw explained above, do the following:
cd $HOME/giella/fin
./ -l
(replace fin, the code for Finnish, with the language(s) you checked out). Now you are ready to start working. More info about where to find the different pieces of source code can be found on this page.
NOTE that the command ./configure
assume that you checked out the
Xerox compilers (see the Getting s
To build the transducers and other tools for linguistic analysis, do:
To run the preinstalled tests, do:
make check
You may encounter troubles with your CLASSPATH. We are working on it,
here is a fix if the compiler complains it is not set:
In the langs directory, write export CLASSPATH=
Happy linguistic coding!