Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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.xml to .lexc generation in the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/stems directory allows for reusing of lemma:stem:continuation information with other important dimensions of a given language. The same xml file might be used as a source file for the NDS reader’s assistant, enabling storage of source language to target language word pairs for multiple target languages. It might also be used, at least in the initial work, with: ICALL (Oahpa environment); Constraint Grammar; Rule-bassed translation (Apertium), and text-to-speech applications.

If you want to utilize .xml to .lexc generation in the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/stems directory, there are few items to bare in mind:

In the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/stems/ directory, you may wish to change from simple .lexc work to generating these .lexc files from analogous .xml files. This will mean that comments should be moved out of the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/stems/...lexc files and into perhaps the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/root.lexc or the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/affixes/...lexc files.

Once comments have been moved out of the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/stems/...lexc files, we are ready to declare generation targets and sources in the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/ file. There are three fields of declaration: (1) Giellatekno lexc sources, maintained source lexc files; (2) generated lexc sources, these produced with xsl transformation, and (3) Giellatekno xml sources, the part-of-speech oriented database. If you are just beginning work with a language, your main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/ file might look something like the following:


1. Set this to the names of all other source lexc files
                         stems/abbr.lexc          \
                         stems/acro.lexc          \
                         stems/exceptions.lexc    \
                         stems/punct.lexc         \
                         stems/adjectives.lexc \
                         stems/adverbs.lexc \
                         stems/nouns.lexc \
                         stems/verbs.lexc \
                         affixes/adjectives.lexc  \
                         affixes/adverbs.lexc     \
                         affixes/nouns.lexc       \

1. Set this to the names of all generated lexc files, if any

1. Set this to the names of all source xml files, if any


The changes you want to make in the declaration will include the removal of the files:

                         stems/adjectives.lexc \
                         stems/adverbs.lexc \
                         stems/nouns.lexc \
                         stems/verbs.lexc \
from the
declaration, and their declaration in

Please, note the commented new lines.

Additionally, the xml files must also be declared, resulting in the following:


1. Set this to the names of all other source lexc files
                         stems/abbr.lexc          \
                         stems/acro.lexc          \
                         stems/exceptions.lexc    \
                         stems/punct.lexc         \
                         affixes/adjectives.lexc  \
                         affixes/adverbs.lexc     \
                         affixes/nouns.lexc       \

1. Set this to the names of all generated lexc files, if any
                        $(srcdir)/stems/adjectives.lexc    \
                        $(srcdir)/stems/adverbs.lexc       \
                        $(srcdir)/stems/nouns.lexc         \

1. Set this to the names of all source xml files, if any
                        stems/adjectives.xml    \
                        stems/adverbs.xml       \
                        stems/nouns.xml         \


A few notes:

As the .xml files become more extended and specific to your every need, you may choose to establish feeder .lexc files with simple lexc content. If you want to do this, there are various solutions to choose from. One used in kpv is the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/stems/nouns_newwords.lexc file.

Remember to declare the new file both in GT_LEXC_SRCS= of the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/ file and the new lexicon in the main/langs/LANG/src/morphology/root.lexc file, perhaps N_NEWWORDS would be a working lexicon name.

So far the xml format has only been used by the AKU project. The xml files used in AKU make use of a mutual xsd description of the xml structure, and the xsl conversion features simple Finnish glossing in the generated .lexc source files.

Here are a couple of further points:

<r xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="$GTHOME/giella-core/schemas/fiu-dict-schema.xsd"
   xml:lang="mrj" xmlns:xsi=""

Use of the xml format outside the AKU project may require some adaption or generalisations of the present structure.

The xsd provides a possibility for semantic classes to be added within mg elements. These semantic classes correspond to semantic classes used in the [] ICALL environment.