Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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This is a quick reminder of how to compile (build) the analysers. We assume the svn files and programs are set up on your computer, and that you have opened a terminal window in the directory of the language you work on (say, langs/smn).

In order to check what analysers you are compiling, write

head config.log

The third last line or so reads

  $ ./configure

And then perhaps with something else follwing it. If it reads ./configure only, it means that you use only the xfst (xerox) tools. They contain some bugs, but they compile very fast, and are therefore usually used for development.

If you have some other configuration, but want to have quick compilation for development, write the following on the command line:


Compiling all tools takes a long time, so we may turn the compilation of them on or off (with the –enable and –disable options, and choose compilers (with the –with-hfst, –without-xfst options). Write

./configure --help

in order to get help.