Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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How to handle variation in lexc

Non-normative forms: Err/Orth

Non-normative variant with inflection

ex.: “fálahas” is a non-normative variant of the lemma “fáláhas”, and it inflects. The normative form on the left side, and so the lemma in the analysis will be a normative form and can be found e.g. in the dictionary.

fáláhas:fáláhass JOHTOLAT ;
fáláhas+Err/Orth:fálahass JOHTOLAT ;

The descriptive FST will inflect both fálahas and fáláhas, but the line with the tag Err/Orth is removed from the normative analyser/generator during the compilation prosess.

fáláhasat	fáláhas+N+Pl+Nom

fálahasat	fáláhas+Err/Orth+N+Pl+Nom

The normative analyser:

fáláhasat	fáláhas+N+Pl+Nom

fálahasat	fálahasat	+?

Non-normative variant without inflection (hard coding)

ex.: “fálahas” is a non-normative variant of the form “fáláhas”, and it does not inflect, and therefore it does not get a continuation lexicon with inflection for nouns.

The normative form on the left side, and so the lemma in the analysis will be a normative form and can be found e.g. in the dictionary.

fáláhas:fáláhass JOHTOLAT ;
fáláhas+N+Sg+Nom+Err/Orth:fálahas ENDLEX ;

The word itself is non-normative: Err/Lex

Ex. brillefutterála which is a slightly adapated loanword from Norwegian to North Saami. The normative word is čalbmelássaskuohppu

brillefutterála+Err/Lex:brille#futterál SOSIAL

The descriptive FST will inflect brillefutterála, but the line with the tag Err/Lex is removed from the normative analyser/generator during the compilation prosess.

brillefutterálat	brillefutterála+N+Pl+Nom

The normative analyser:

brillefutterálat	brillefutterálat	+?

Lexical homonymi: how to identify the correct lemma e.g. in a dictionary

Two lemmas, which base forms are homonyms, have different paradigms and semantics.

The lemmas belong to different stem-categories: Add morphogical tags

Example from North Saami. G3 tag for Grade 3 for consonantgradation with geminate in lemma, e.g. ss:

beassi:beassi BEARRI "reir" ;
beassi+G3:beas'si AIGI "never" ;


beassi	beassi+N+G3+Sg+Nom
beassi	beassi+N+G3+Sg+Acc
beassi	beassi+N+G3+Sg+Gen
beassi	beassi+N+Sg+Nom

beasi	beassi+N+Sg+Gen
beasi	beassi+N+Sg+Acc

Example from North Saami. NomAg tag for derivation Nomen Agent

vuovdi+NomAg:vuovdi ACTOR "salesman" ;
vuovdi:vuov'di AIGI "forest" ;


vuovdi	vuovdi+N+NomAg+Sg+Nom
vuovdi	vuovdi+N+NomAg+Sg+Acc
vuovdi	vuovdi+N+NomAg+Sg+Gen
vuovdi	vuovdi+N+Sg+Nom

vuovddi	vuovdi+N+Sg+Gen
vuovddi	vuovdi+N+Sg+Acc

There is no reason for adding morphogical tags: Add homonymi tags

Example from South Saami:

govledh+Hom1:govl TJOEHPEDH_TV "höra" ;
govledh+Hom2:govl VÅÅJNEDH "höras" ;


gåvla	govledh+Hom1+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg3

govloe	govledh+Hom2+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3

Orthograpic variants of the same lemma: tags v1, v2…

Orthograpic variants of the same lemma, for base form and at least parts of the inflection paradigm, should be under the same lemma. But we can add a variants tag as a help to recognize the correct base form for the paradigm.

Example from North Saami.

mandáhta+v2:mandáhtta GOAHTI-A ;
mandáhta+v1:mandáhta STAHTA ;

If the base forms are identical, but there are variants in the inflection, we don’t use these tags.