Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

View GiellaLT on GitHub divvungiellatekno/

Language technology for low-resource languages

Jack Rueter and Sjur Moshagen

Rule-based language technology

Our rule-based approach:

Both technologies developed here at HU :-)

Actual implementations:

Open source is important, to avoid being locked in or spend much more money to redo things.

Word-level technology

Both formalisms should be easily recognisable by linguists.

Example — twolc

Alphabet m p ;


"N:m rule"
N:m <=>  _ p: ;

"p:m rule"
p:m <=> :m _  ;

Target changes:


Example — rewrite rules

The same changes written using rewrite rules:

[ N -> m ]( _ p )
[ p -> m ]( m _ );

Rewrite rules are ordered, twolc rules are not.

Example — lexc

A very simplistic English lexicon:

+V +Pres +3Sg +PresPtc +Past

###  Lexicon containing lexical stems:
 walk V ;
 talk V ;
 pack V ;

###  Lexicon containing POS tag only:
 +V: V-suff ;

###  Lexicon containing inflectional suffixes and corresponding tags:
 +Pres+3Sg:s   # ;
     +Past:ed  # ;
  +PresPtc:ing # ;
     +Pres:    # ;


End result: computer model of morphology and morphophonology. This model can analyse and generate word forms.

Sentence level technology

VISLCG3, an extended version of the original Constraint Grammar syntax developed by Karlsson et al. VISLCG3 is maintained and developed in Odense, Denmark. It is open source.

Constraint grammars work “backwards”: instead of imposing a structure on a sentence, it selects or removes invalid readings given a certain contexts. By eliminating readings over and over again, one should be left with only the correct readings. From the CG-3 tutorial:

(b) REMOVE (N) IF (-1 (PERS NOM)) ;

(a) will remove finite verb readings (the target) from a cohort, if the one immediately to the left (-1) contains an article tag, while (b) will remove noun readings in the presence of an immediately preceding personal pronoun in the nominative, thus disambiguating nominal-verbal ambiguities like hit in ”the hit/they hit”.

Note that the target VFIN is a defined set (e.g. consisting of tense or mode tags), while the target (N) is a simple tag, declared as a set on-the-fly by using parentheses.

Constraint grammars require a lot of manual work, but will generally achieve substantially higher scores than similar tools using other techniques (given enough work).

Tools for linguistic research

Explicit Grammars



Use Model To Process (Analyse) Text

=> Korp (searchable corpus of analysed texts)


Tools for speakers of minority languages

The listed tools are all supported by the Giella infrastructure.


Without keyboards, writing texts in any language can become almost impossible. The first step of building language technology for a language is thus to make a keyboard.

Using the keyboard part of the Giella infrastructure, the amount of work needed to produce installable keyboards is minimal. But effort should be put into the desing of the keyboard such that it will work optimally for the language community. Actually building the installation packages is a matter of minutes.

Layout definition

The layout definition is done using yaml syntax, and is just the following:

  mobile-default: |
    á š e r t y u i o p â
    a s d f g h j k l ä đ
      ž z č c v b n m ŋ
  mobile-shift: |
    Á Š E R T Y U I O P Â
    A S D F G H J K L Ä Đ
      Ž Z Č C V B N M Ŋ

  Á: Q
  A: Å   Á À Â Ã Ạ
  á: q
  a: å   á à â ã ạ

(Demo: Skolt Sámi macOS keyboard)

Spell Checkers

(Demo: gaelic)

Morphologically Aware Hyphenators

Morphologically Aware Dictionaries

Grammar Checkers

To handle wrongly split compounds, we convert word boundaries in compounds into spaces, and try to analyse the result. If we get an analysis, it is given as an error candidate, subject to further disambiguation and error detection rules.

(Demo: grammar checker)

Machine translation

(Demo using Ávvir)



(Demo using Ávvir)


Language coverage


Hands-on on Thursday