Divvun 2.1 Meeting
- installer issues
- plx / linguistic issue
Installer issues
Main thing:
- Toini - ok
- Varsi - ok
- Roy A - no, with error messages - it installs, but doesn’t work
- Lemet - ok
sma ok, sme ok, 3/4 ok - it looks good for the installer, but we’ll still wait for a final report from Roy.
Børre adds screen shots from Roy to a relevant bug report.
Plx / linguistic issue
SME regresssions / changes
- 397 - name compounds (Oslo-biila)
- 399 - missing numerals
- 426 - name compounds on Divvun.no (Helsset-, Unicode-, Romssa-, + ii-)
- 604 - actios as second part of compound <=== 4.
- 607 - acro + clitic not accepted - not critical
- 609 - Anár-julggaštusa not recognized (name compound)
- 611, 633, 647, 802, 930, 931 - name/abbr/number - compounds <=== 1.
- 717 - noun-acro compound, wrong infl. accepted - juovla-CDas
- 818 - one-letter acros not accepted (D-mánná)
- 912 - sub-marked entities accepted
- 925 - lexicalized actors not accepted <=== 2.
- 962 - some ordinals not acc (goalmmát, njealját) <=== 3.
SMJ regresssions / changes
- 482 - prefixes not working (first part compounds)
- julev+CmpN/SgN:julev%> R; ! <=== add +N 1.
eksaminasjons+N+CmpN/SgN:eksaminasjons%> R ; !
- 496 - unrecognised clitics but only after pronouns <== 2.
- 596 - single-letter compounds not accepted (C-giellan)
- 607 - acro compounds & inflection (NRKGA, ILO:J)
- 615 - actios and actors as sec. part of compound <== 4.
- 627 - prefixes not included <== add +N 1.
- 668 - caseforms, ordinals and collectives
- 744 - numeral + clitic <== 2.
- 933 - acros compounds without hyphen (cf 717) <=== 4.
SMA regresssions / changes
- 834 - collective numerals missing
- 891 - milijovnese (1 -l-) accepted as stray compound
- 892 - noun+Acro without hyphen jmf med nord- och lule <===
- 902 - prefixes not working <===
- 906 - trippel vowels at word boundaries not accepted (a#aa & e#ee) <===
- 933 - as for SMJ & SME <====== 1.
- 942 - vååjnjægan <== Thomas