The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages
View GiellaLT on GitHub divvungiellatekno/
Release planning
What is needed for a new release:
The answer from the company in Tromsø, Jupiter:
Suggests investigating on an hourly basis, ~ 1.000,- NOK/hour.
But we have another option: Tino Didriksen, also investigate whether he can do the full speller/proofing tools package for us, e.g. based on hfst/foma/vfst.
Basic requirements for the installer and the installed package:
installed proof binaries are made for Windows XP-Windows 7, Office 2003-2010
Tomi is compiling a new speller on the XServe now. Results on Monday. Thomas has added the words that fails in the speller test bench to the PLX conversion test bench data sets.
Meeting every afternoon, solving one issue at a time until we have a release candidate.