The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages
What is needed for a new release:
Variablar for installeraren:
Verkty for debugging:
One ommission - that can’t explain the reduced size - is that particles like almma, bat, ges, han have been lost in the latest spellers. — FIXED in the latest svn, but no speller yet, and thus no speller test results.
Remaining PLX bugs:
| cmp-form-suggestions | váigas, suolo | 581,909,803,912
| non-hyph noun+acro cmps | muoreNRK | 805 | FIXED
| hyphened suggestion | guolli-busse,rátnu-biellu, stohpu-spiidni- | 397,489,721,802 etc
| PROP+NOUN | Oslo-biila, Helsset-vuođđuduvvan, Unicode-doarjja, SF-muorra | 397,426,611,930,931
| NO STEM-VOWEL SHORTENING | rátnu-biellu, | 489
| DOUBLE HYPH-SUGG | SF–muora, | 611
| NO HYPH PREF+NOUN | julevua-gielas, juleva-gielas | 629
This is analysed as:
a-gielas a-giella+N+Sg+Loc
julevu- julevu+N+RCmpnd
a-gielas is an entry in the lexicon HyphNouns
, a set of nouns requiring hyphens in front of them.
Solution: tag all words in LEXICON HyphNouns
as +CmpN/First
| ALPH+NOUN | u-joavku | 785,818
| DEVERBAL+noun+clit not rec. | vástidanproseantage, hárjehaddanmuorragen | 451
| doesn’t follow cmp-tags | sámedikkepresideanta | 489 | +CmpN/None in comp-sugg | 1883-as, Juovla-CD-as | 508,717 | +Use/SpellNoSugg | alhpabet gets suggested: a,đ etc | 461
| imposs” cmps along w num.| 0-geažideapmigárvu (geažideapmigárvu is impossible) | 536,1145 | NEW SUGGESTION: geažideapmi-gárvu- | num cmp:s on 0- | 051-nummarat | 631 | name/noun+adv cmps | Kuorak-ain, NRK-an | 642,913 | hyphened suggestions | deahtta-samus +A+Attr +Noun | 940 | non-ex. word accepted | saame | 658
| doesn’t understand caps | 1700-LOHKU | 647 | Left cmp-tags don’t work | biilarievttijođiheaddjái | 819 | THESE ARE NOW RECOGNIZED, BUT DOESN’T GET SUGGESTED