The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages
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What is needed for a new release:
Variablar for installeraren:
Verkty for debugging:
Børre has installed different proofing tools recording registry settings before and after. Has installed:
All working installer (all except KAL 3) contained the same type of registry entries.
For Office 2007, on 32-bit Windows 7. All tools except Greenlandic 3 worked for all users, not only the installing user.
On Office 2010, same Windows 7, the bokmål installer used the same registry entries as Divvun 2.2.
Bokmål registry entries:
"00004109F10041400000000000F01FEC"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE14\\PROOF\\MSSP7NB.DLL
"00004109F10041400000000000F01FEC"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE14\\PROOF\\MSSP7NB.LEX"
Divvun 2.2 registry entries:
"57CB6F3B98FBBB64A855473F371F97EB"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\\\Proof\\mssp3samiNorthern-NO.dll"
"57CB6F3B98FBBB64A855473F371F97EB"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\\\Proof\\mssp3samiNorthern.lex"
"57CB6F3B98FBBB64A855473F371F97EB"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Microsoft Shared\\\\Proof\\mssp3samiLule.lex"
The Greenlandic 3 xml installer script, on the other hand, follows a different pattern:
<RegistryKey Id='KalSpellRegGlobal10' Root='HKLM'
Key='SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\10.0\User Settings\Mso_CoreReg\Create\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\1.0\Override\kl-GL' Action='createAndRemoveOnUninstall'>
<RegistryValue Type='string' Name='DLL' Value='[INSTALLDIR]kalspell.dll' />
The bokmål installer registry diff contains also diffs like the following:
+ 21,00,21,00,21,00,21,00,21,00,4d,00,4b,00,4b,00,53,00,6b,00,4f,00,75,00,74,\
+ 00,6c,00,6f,00,6f,00,6b,00,53,00,65,00,61,00,72,00,63,00,68,00,53,00,68,00,\
+ 65,00,6c,00,6c,00,52,00,65,00,67,00,49,00,6e,00,74,00,6c,00,5f,00,31,00,30,\
+ 00,34,00,34,00,3c,00,00,00,00,00
The hex-encoded character list (of big-endian UTF-16 characters) is actually the string:
But similar entries are created by our NSIS installer.
Working scenarios for Divvun 2.2:
Next scenarios to test with all installers:
Get registry entry diffs, check whether the installed tools work for all users, not only the installing user.
Remaining PLX bugs:
| cmp-form-suggestions | váigas | 581,912
| PROP+NOUN | Koskivuori-plánenreaiddut | 611,633 | FIXED | PROP+NOUN | Mihkalmas-beaivi | 593 | NOUN+ACRO | muorra-NRK | 805 | WONTFIX | PREF+PROP NOUN+PROP | ovda-Lot psykiatriija-Álaš | 595 | WONTFIX, BUT ovda-Lot is FIXED TODAY
| doesn’t follow cmp-tags | sámedikkepresideanta | 489 | +CmpN/None in comp-sugg | 1883-as | 508
as as+N+ACR+Sg+Acc as as+N+ACR+Sg+Gen as as+N+ACR+Sg+Nom
| STRANGE SUGGESTION-PRIORITIES | guollibusse > Vuolli-busse (and not the expected: guollebusse) | 397,917 | oaivebussiid, guollebussiid not suggested SEE ALSO 917 bargomáhtuid
| imposs” cmps along w num. | 0-geažideapmigárvu (geažideapmigárvu is impossible) | 536,1145 | NO SUGGESTIONS - GOOD - BUT: | imposs” cmps sákkasteapmifierbmi> | (225) aseákkasteapmifierbmi ase- | 536 - REGRESSION | –”– | (225) asiákkasteapmifierbmi asi- | –”– | (225) ásaákkasteapmifierbmi ása- | –”– | (225) áseákkasteapmifierbmi áse- | –”– | (225) ásoákkasteapmifierbmi áso- | –”– | (225) ásuákkasteapmifierbmi ásu- | –”– | (221) ášoákkasteapmifierbmi ášo- | –”– | (221) ášuákkasteapmifierbmi ášu- | num cmp:s on 0- | 051-nummarat | 631 | name/noun+adv cmps | Kuorak-ain | 642 - why is it accepted? | hyphened suggestions | deahtta-samus +A+Attr +Noun | 940 | FIXED | non-ex. word accepted | saame | 658
ain is an adverb:
ain ain+Adv
and should not be allowed to compound.
| doesn’t understand caps | 1700-LOHKU | 647 | láibi-sánis not recognized | - | 380,452 WONTFIX
| not recognized anymore recognized | biilarievttijođiheaddjái | 819