Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

View GiellaLT on GitHub divvungiellatekno/

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Initial setup and checkout

Open the repository window (Window > Repository), and fill in the details for our repository: checkout menu item

Double-click the repository entry you just made (see picture above). In the new window that opens, click on the button Checkout: SvnX repository viiew

If you already have checked out (e.g. on the command line), just fill in the details directly in the Working Copies window (see below).

Working with the local source code

In the directory that you did the checkout in, you will now have a directory called langtech where all our code is contained. The whole working copy is listed in the Working Copies window (Windows > Working Copies): List of working copies

Double click the corresponding line, and you will get a window listing the current state of your working copy: Working copy window

Highlight a file Working copy view with highlighted
file and click Diff to get a visual presentation of your modifications compared to the untouched version: Visual diff opened in FileMerge

Click the Review… button to get a list of only the modified files, a log message text field, and a diff view. This makes it easy to review and commit a number of related files at once, and also to remember what the changes were all about - just click the relevant file, and the diff will be displayed. Only checked files will be commited. Review and commit, with diff highlighted directly in the commit