Language Technology at UiT

The Divvun and Giellatekno teams build language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languages

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Submission of papers for the CG and FST NLP Workshop 2025

WorkshopTopicsTimeline ◊ Submission ◊ ProgramRegistrationCommittee

Submission deadline: December 16th, 2024

All submissions must follow the NoDaLiDa 2025 style files, which will be available for LaTeX (preferred) and MS Word and can be retrieved here. You can also directly open the Overleaf template.

Submissions must be anonymous, i.e. not reveal author(s) on the title page or through self-references. Papers must be submitted digitally, in PDF, and uploaded through the online conference system. Paper submissions that violate either of these requirements will be returned without review.

The page limits for submissions are: up to eight pages for regular papers and up to four pages for short papers and demo papers. For all three submission types, these page limits do not include additional pages with bibliographic references. We do not allow any extra pages for appendices.

We invite paper submissions of three types:

  1. regular papers on substantial, original, and unpublished research, including empirical evaluation results, where appropriate;
  2. short papers on smaller, focused contributions, work in progress, negative results, surveys, or opinion pieces; and
  3. demonstration papers on software or resource demonstrations, e.g. of systems, interfaces, infrastructures, data collections, or annotations. Demonstration papers do not need to be anonymous, and will not be published in the proceedings afterwards.


The submission itself will be done via OpenReview. Details are forthcoming.